MYA Wings

MYA wings

After extensively testing numerous wing options over the past few years, we found none that we wholeheartedly loved. Armed with exceptional foils and top-notch boards (more details below), it only made sense for us to complete our wing product lines with something extraordinary. Allow us to introduce you to Mya-named after a Native American language from a New England tribe, meaning “wind.”

Mya wings are crafted using innovative lightweight materials and boast a super aerodynamic, incredibly stiff frame. Carbon handles, designed through generative design, feature a unique attachment system to the wing’s strut, providing absolute control for riders in any conditions or riding style. A distinctive double infill attachment from the frame to the canopy, coupled with a single-piece wing center to divide the dihedral angle, ensures optimal tension on both sides of the wing at all times, resulting in a much smoother power delivery. While we could delve into more technical details, the bottom line is simple-they look and perform AMAZING!

The launch comprises three easily understandable sizes-3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0-to cater to the most common wing needs.


CHF 720.00

  • Available
  • 1 - 7 Tage Lieferzeit1